William's Memoir

While working as an advocate and peer specialist I came to know how important people's recovery stories are.  Writing the recovery story brings into better focus what exactly happened to the person during times of chaos and crisis.  I have been inspired to write a full length memoir describing my experiences in recovery.

Williams Articles, William has written articles and short pieces for the Rehabilitation Journal and the book Voices for Recovery both from Boston University.  Voices for Change from the Transformation Center.  Our Words, Our Worlds from the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee (MHLAC)


About Me


  Likes, hiking, snowshoeing, building things in the shop, writing, being web master, spreading the good news about the possibilities of recovery.

  I was Born, raised and educated in the state of Oregon.  I Moved to Boston, MA when I was 25 years old.  I worked as a software engineer and carpenter.  I loved the city culture.  Just before my 27th birthday I was hospitalized at Metropolitan State Hospital.

  Recovery is hard work.  It takes great perseverance.  One must find caregivers that know how to help them.  One must build a network of people that can encourage them.  A person must begin making decisions about what is right for them and leave old, bad habits behind.