William's Memoir

While working as an advocate and peer specialist I came to know how important people's recovery stories are.  Writing the recovery story brings into better focus what exactly happened to the person during times of chaos and crisis.  I have been inspired to write a full length memoir describing my experiences in recovery.

Williams Articles, William has written articles and short pieces for the Rehabilitation Journal and the book Voices for Recovery both from Boston University.  Voices for Change from the Transformation Center.  Our Words, Our Worlds from the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee (MHLAC)



Courage is Forging Ahead in the Face of Uncertainty

I believe that recovery works to benefit those afflicted with a mental illness. Recovery is a way of living and being to transcend the illness and reach a person's goals and aspirations in life.

Email: bill@williamstride.com
Use your own email browser to contact me.

$16.95 | 203 page softcover  ISBN: 978-0-9897091-0-1



William's blog on Mental Health and Recovery

Interact with blog, ask questions and make yourself heard.

LinkedIn Group: Memoir of recovery from mental illness

Find out what others are doing in their efforts to create authentic memoirs about their struggles with mental illness and their recovery.

Mountain climbing stories - Recovery is like climbing a mountain

When I was thirteen I completed Mazama mountaineering school and the Mt Hood graduation climb.  Mt Hood lies in the Cascade range in Oregon.

The remoteness of Mt Olympus made it a four day climb.  Mt Olympus lies in the Olympic National Rain Forest in Washington State.

Articles on Mental Health

LETTER TO FRIENDS; Published in: RTP Weekly Highlights, September 2011
Letter in response to a very uplifting Peer Education training.

A look at the impressions recieved in different environments we find ourselves in and how it affects our mental state.

WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME; Published in the Rehabilition Journal; Boston University; Winter 2006
Refer to journal or reprint in book Voices for Recovery also from Boston University.
My sixteen years in the system has taught me a great deal about recovery and I have witnessed the recovery of many other consumers.  There are many milestones in recovery that can be used to guage progress.  New caregivers will find this paper important.

REFLECTIONS ON PEER WORK; Published in: Our Words, Our Worlds; Spring 2010
The Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee
About my work as a peer specialist in a Recovery Learning Community.

DON'T TELL; Published in: Voices for Change; Fall, 2009
Examining the Consumer - Doctor Communication Gap.

ARE YOU IN THERAPY? Published in Voices for Change; Spring 2007
How to reconcile work in therapy with other people in your life.

Religion and Recovery

SAINT DYMPHNA - VISIT TO RESTING PLACE; Gheel Belgium, November, 2007
For 1,200 years some mentally ill people who have approached her tomb have been miraculously healed.

SAINT DYMPHNA - VISIT TO MUSEUM; Gheel Belgium; November, 2007
The museum holds artifacts from the last 300 years of mental health care and contains other suprises too.